Products Archive

SOS Chefs - It’s hard to tell the difference between the shopping streets of Manhattan, Greenwich, Palm Beach, Paris, you-name-it --- the same stores are everywhere. The one-of-a-kind shops, the small boutiques? The

Spanx - So there I was, out for a night on the town with my wife. While I cherish her sharp wit, powerful brain and mammoth heart, may

Special Election Edition: Aretha Franklin, Annie Lennox, Chuck Taylor Converse Sneakers, Steve Kornicki’s Chinos - I don't believe the election requires one more word of commentary. Okay, just this: As a nation, we have been saved by women --- especially Black women in Pennsylvania and

Spring 2007 Book Survival Kit - You think you're just following random interests, and then you look back and see a pattern. I look at the books I've written about over the

Spring 2007 Music Survival Kit - Spring 2007 Music Survival Kit

Spring Break 2017 - It's Spring Break for New York private schools, and the law is clear: If you don't take your kid somewhere, you get a visit from the Social Police. So my

Spring Break, 2014 - It’s an unwritten law in the world of Manhattan private schools that if you don't take your kid away for at least a week in the last two weeks of

Stanley Jump Starter & Air Compressor - Guest Butler Preston Bealle recently made his debut on these screens with an enthusiastic recommendation for the APIE Portable Wireless Waterproof Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker, an amazing product that costs just

Starbucks - Howard Schultz knows a thing or two about creativity. Historically, he invented the idea of mass-market coffee houses. As CEO, he was the original architect of

Stephanie Green: September 17, 1975 – January 9, 2011 - A worldly pal says you shouldn’t “friend” anyone on Facebook if you’ve never had lunch together. I don’t like to reject or be rejected, so I’m easier. I have 1,600

Steve Jobs: When You’re an App, You’re an App All the Way - Time accelerates at the intersection of media and technology. Every few years, a cycle plays itself out, and once-mighties become no-longers while some little engine proves it could. This year, on

Summer Holiday ’10: Mine — and Yours - “I have looked forward to your e-mails daily for several years,” The Nicest Reader Ever wrote me last week, “and am dreading your summer vacation.” That makes two of us.   A

Summer Listening - Summer Listening, 2005

Summer Reading 2005 -   Summer Reading

Summer Reading, 2012 - A friend suggested I pull together a reading list for the summer. I had a hard time taking her seriously. She’s one of the smartest, best-read people I know ---

Summer Survival/Pleasure Kit, 2013 - Even a casual glance at the news could make you think the empire is crumbling fast. If so, shouldn’t I urge you to undertake a cultural boot camp this summer

Summer’s Greatest Hits (2006) - We've been hopping around all summer: Aspen, La Jolla, now Nantucket. It's been fascinating to see what books/movies/music work in new places. As a general rule, I

Supreme - A few weeks ago, in the middle of the night, they got up, dressed quickly and hurried out, taking care not to wake their parents. On the way to Lafayette

Surviving the Next Wave: Experts say a million may be dead by April. Don’t want to join them? Consider this Survival Guide. - Now comes the winter of our discontent. 245,000 dead in 9 months? That was just a preview. Here’s the feature: Last week, the country had more than 784,000 cases, more than

SURVIVING THE PANDEMIC: “Okay, boomer” - PHOTO CAPTION: My daughter and I walk in a park two blocks away. To get there, we pass by Rao’s, the legendary restaurant that, it’s said, used to be a