Books Archive

The Oriental Wife - Guest Butler Elizabeth Benedict is the author of five novels, including the bestseller Almost. She is, most recently, editor of the anthology Mentors, Muses & Monsters: 30 Writers on the

The Orwell Reader: Fiction, Essays, and Reportage - If you like to read entire books rather than excerpts, "The Orwell Reader: Fiction, Essays and Reportage" isn’t for you. But if you don’t really know Orwell, or had to

The Other Side of the Mirror: Marion Woodman’s Legacy of Looking Deeply at Women’s Eating Disorders - GUEST BUTLER LORRAINE KREAHLING is on the planning board of the Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology, a 77-year-old Quaker organization with an interest in Jungian psychology. She has

The Pat Hobby Stories - That Scott Fitzgerald --- he was really funny. And you are thinking: Where? What were the laughs I missed in The Great Gatsby --- the body floating in the pool?

The Perfect Nanny: A Novel - Your home is not safe. Your children are in danger. It’s hard to think of a sentence more upsetting than those two. Well, try this: “The baby is dead.” That’s the

The Perfect Summer: England 1911, Just Before the Storm - In our secret hearts, many of us imagine that we belong elsewhere --- say, in England, at a great country estate, in good weather, where we enjoy every luxury

The Phantom Tollbooth - Guest Butler Barbara Finkelstein is the author of Summer Long-a-coming. Her pieces for Head Butler include In Defense of Long Books and The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. She

The Pianist in the Dark - Sheku Kanneh-Mason played three pieces at the Royal Wedding. One was by Gabriel Fauré. One was by Franz Schubert. The third was "Sicilienne," by Maria Theresia von Paradis. If

The Pied Piper of Park Avenue - In 2014, The New York Observer published its first serial since "Sex and the City" --- my seven-part fiction about idealistic kids at New York’s elite private schools. I'm dealing

The Pleasure Was Mine - September 21 is World Alzheimer’s Day, and a good way to honor the occasion is to give a fine novel --- The Pleasure Was Mine --- to someone who is

The Pledge - When you give your “word”, what is it worth? What if you gave your “word” --- and had to make good on it? What if your “word” actually cost you something? These aren't

The Plot - Jimmy Fallon has an annual Summer Reads competition, with viewers voting for their favorites. The other night, he revealed the winner: Butler readers knew "The Plot" was a winner on May

The Polar Express - What is the most interactive medium of all? A rich, wise man in Silicon Valley --- so rich he did not need to offer up the kneejerk response: “online

The Postmistress - At dinner parties in New York this week, I anticipate three hot topics. The policy wonks will spend a few minutes debating our government’s announcement that it has the right to

The Power of Style - Disclosure: I was married to Annette Tapert during the years she wrote her best-known books on stylish women. I read the text of 'Power of Style' as it

The Practicing Stoic - GUEST BUTLER CRAIG LAMBERT is the author of Shadow Work: The Unpaid, Unseen Jobs That Fill Your Day and Mind Over Water: Lessons on Life from the Art of Rowing.

The Price of Illusion: A Memoir - It seems strange to describe “The Price of Illusion” as a memoir about addiction because I’ve known Joan Buck for 35 years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her

The Professor of Truth - James Salter in Conversation: Frank Delaney, an Irish novelist who has such the gift for gab that I shut up and just listen, goes one-to-one with James Salter on Thursday night at

The Psychedelic Symphony: An Historical Novel 1968 - Freaky coincidence --- or cosmic plan? Today Tom Fels looks back to 1968. On Tuesday, March 1, from 7 - 8:30 PM, Joe Conason and I will be at New

The Quality of Life Report - "The Quality of Life Report" might well appeal to the women who read chick lit. On the other hand, it might appeal equally strongly to women who wouldn't be caught