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Winter Survival Kit

By Jesse Kornbluth
Published: Jan 13, 2020
Category: Health

It was 70 degrees in New York last weekend. Don’t be fooled. Winter will return. Also impeachment. Some terrible surprise or other. And bad news about your flu shot: it doesn’t do much to ward off this year’s strain. So you want your immune system to be humming and your spirits to be above average. Here are some tools.

Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C
This is not the Vitamin C that you and I regularly take. That Vitamin C may be a wonderfully powerful nutrient. But most of the Vitamin C in pills or capsules never reaches the bloodstream. Estimates of its absorption rate are less than 50%. Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C has a 90% absorption rate.

Manuka Honey
Celebrity endorsements galore, credible and unpaid:
Laura Dern: “Lately, I’ve been doing matcha green tea with my whisk, and I really love it. I put manuka honey in it. My children are like: “Mom! That honey is odd.” But then when they don’t feel well, I make them hot water with fresh ginger, manuka honey and a dash of cayenne. Drink that tea, and life is good.”

Scarlett Johansson washes her face, then rubs a spoonful of this honey on her skin: “It really adds an amazing glow and your skin is so soft afterwards. It pulls out the impurities — and it’s a nice foundation, especially if you are going to a big event where you want a great glow.”

Me: It’s not just the nutritional value of the honey –– major doses of amino acids, enzymes and B-complex vitamins, particularly thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), and B6. Even better, this honey contains substances that stimulate production of cytokine, the proteins involved in strengthening the body’s immune system and helping it fight off pathogens and diseases.

Mayorga 100% Organic Cubano Coffee
Mayorga Dark Roast Cubano coffee is good enough for espresso, more than good enough for that all-important first cup of the day, as well as all the mugs required to fuel my daily quota of words. Balzac had it right: “Were it not for coffee one could not write, which is to say one could not live.”

Egyptian Magic
The ingredients are olive oil, bees wax, honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and bee propolis. And — so it says — “divine love.” Whatever. It’s better than Chapstick. Great for windburn. Cures split skin fast. Before you go to bed after a late night, rub some under your eyes. Scrapes. Burns. As a romantic aid, just as useful as more expensive creams. Really, there is no external area of your body this can’t help.