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Venus Over Venice

Peppino D'Agostino

By Jesse Kornbluth
Published: Jan 01, 2004
Category: Jazz

Butler likes to work to music. Mostly classical, because it takes him far from this century’s reality. But sometimes, when feeling frisky, Butler will set the radio dial to the local alternative country radio station. And there, one rainy morning, Butler heard Peppino D’Agostino, a guitarist from Italy, and David Wilcox, a terminally "sensitive" singer, doing a remake of the 1960s hit "Walk Away Renee."

Time stopped. Butler found himself inside the song — and, as soon as it was over, headed for the web to learn about D’Agostino. Butler’s no musician, so he’ll simply repeat the technical reasons for D’Agostino’s appeal: "unconventional tunings, playing the notes on the fretboard only with the left hand while simultaneously creating percussive effects with the right hand and inventing a mini orchestra of sounds."

Translation: soft jazz that’s good enough to listen to without feeling you’re in an elevator, music your guests will notice and ask about, a CD that no one has heard of, a few culture points for the host.

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