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Tivoli Satellite Sirius Radio

By Jesse Kornbluth
Published: Jan 01, 2005
Category: Gifts and Gadgets



Tivoli Satellite Sirius Radio

My VCR is blinking 12:00. Has been for years. Will continue doing so until it’s ready to be junked.

For that matter, my Denon music system is also blinking 12:00. Well, it’s right twice a day, so I let it be.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

How’s this for  crazy? The day the FCC started hassling Howard Stern, I bought stock in the two satellite radio companies, XM and Sirius. (Consolation: I get ideas this obviously smart only about once a year.) A few months later, I was given a  satellite radio rig and a gift subscription to Sirius. I have not opened the box.  The activation phone call — I think I’m up to that. But reading the directions and testing my fine motor skills….those tasks spook me.

If you’re the guy who flunked shop or the woman who doesn’t sew, you know what I’m talking about. Like me, you are a second-class citizen in Digital Land. Like me, you are looking for what technology promises and rarely delivers — a plug-and-play device.

And here it is. Satellite radio for the home. Made by a company that has been delivering quality sound long enough to be the gold standard. Dropped into a nice, traditional box that’s smaller than a bread box. Technologically innovative enough to win this year’s International CES Innovations Design & Engineering Award. And — and this is really the important part — so simple to use that I can soon start worrying about Real Problems….like what to listen to.

Never hear a commercial again. Listen to the music you’d play if you had a radio station of your own (or several hundred). Yes, I can do this. I bet you can too.

To buy the Tivoli Satellite Sirius Radio from, click here.

For information about SIRIUS Satellite Radio, click here.