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Goodby (and Amen) to 2013

Published: Dec 23, 2013
Category: Beyond Classification

With this edition, we say goodbye to 2013. Time to recharge, to catch up, to dream — and to leave screens behind. As Tina Brown used to say, ‘Go out, go out, and bring something back, even if it’s just a cold.’ But if habit or desire brings you here, I bow to tradition and offer the videos I most enjoyed this year, on the theory that short bursts of good and smart are what the season calls for.

This year, my idea of ‘out’ turns out to be ‘in. I have new projects to explore, some surprises for you to polish. And I need to reintroduce myself to my wife and child. So from my perch on Morningside Heights I’ll be raising a glass to you and murmuring what passes for a prayer for a 2014 that’s just slightly more satisfying than challenging. I’ve borrowed from Dickens before, and he hasn’t complained: ‘Bless us, every one.’

See you on January 2nd.

Best seasonal music performance of the year


Coming to your street in 2014? Don’t you wish!

Imagine Dragons
The child loves them. So I listened. And agreed. This is a “rare” acoustic version of their biggest hit. ‘It’s time to begin, isn’t it/ I get a little bit bigger but then I’ll admit/ I’m just the same as I was/ Now won’t you understand/ I’m never changing who I am’

Remember motels with beds that had “magic fingers?” His really are.

Josh Ritter
A reasonable definition of alchemy: Experience travels through intellect and emotion, emerges as beauty and art.

Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers
Another classic from Don Schlitz, who wrote more than a handful of songs you may know: for starters, “The Gambler’ and ‘When You Say Nothing At All’

Beth Hart

The look on Buddy Guy’s face says it all.

The New York City Ballet
Filmed at sunrise on the 57th floor of the new World Trade Center. Choreography by Christopher Wheeldon. Music by Arvo Part. If dance baffles or bores you, start at 2:45.

Dock Ellis

He pitched a no-hitter while high on LSD. Here’s how.

Russell Brand
If only for the pleasure of seeing an open shirt and a brash mouth turn Mika into a schoolgirl.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
I’ve seen this a dozen times. And every time I think: I want to write something this good.