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Cambodian Market Bags

By Jesse Kornbluth
Published: Sep 02, 2019
Category: Home

Plastic bags in landfills take as long as 1,000 years to degrade. The answer isn’t to get your groceries or small packages in paper bags. It’s to use an indestructible bag. This is why more and more groceries encourage you to bring your own bag — and, if you don’t, they charge you extra for their bags.

As long as you’re bringing a bag, why not one that’s beautiful, socially responsible — and will make you the envy of the checkout line and the parking lot.

Cambodian market bags start life transporting cement, rice or feed bags. They’re cleaned and sewn into market bags, with long handles and reinforced stitching. [To buy a Cambodian market bag from Amazon, click here.]

Someday bags like these will be the norm and we’ll see them as symbols of an all-connected, globally-conscious economy. For now, they’re not just practical, not just environmentally helpful, they’re fashion. And who doesn’t respond to fashion?

It’s a small thing. Save the world one bag at a time? It sounds silly. But you’ve got to start somewhere.