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A rare PSA (free COVID tests). Rare Jesse news: a public appearance. And 3 movies for those who skip Sunday sports, don’t rake leaves, or want news as fiction

By Jesse Kornbluth
Published: Oct 01, 2023
Category: Weekend

Here are movies for those who don’t watch Sunday sports, whose leaves are too rain-soaked to rake, and who prefer their news processed through fiction.

All the King’s Men

This 1946 novel, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Robert Penn Warren, is generally considered the greatest of all American political novels. The 1949 film is just as great: It won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor (Broderick Crawford), and Best Supporting Actress (Mercedes McCambridge).

The novel asks two questions. Can an honest politician stay honest and succeed? Can good come from evil? Put another way, a politician wants to help his people. He does corrupt things to gain and maintain power and, he believes, fulfill his pledge to them. Can he do that without corrupting himself and tainting whatever he does manage to accomplish? Watch the trailer. To stream it on Amazon Prime, click here. 

A Face in the Crowd

The pitfalls of an open mic, with a career–making performance by Andy Griffith.  Watch a scene. To rent the stream from Amazon Prime, click here.

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle

A completely stupid — and insanely funny — stoner movie. Watch the trailer. To stream it on Amazon Prime, click here.