Books Archive

Endangered Pleasures: In Defense of Naps, Bacon, Martinis, Profanity, and Other Indulgences - Our ancestors came to this country to escape intolerance. Two and a half centuries later, we --- well, some of us --- have become the kind of people our ancestors

Endless Love - A failed movie gets more attention than a successful book  published in long ago 1976, even when the book's been translated into 20 languages and has sold two million copies.

Epictetus - Epictetus was a Stoic. The famous one is Marcus Aurelius. If you've read his Meditations, or selections from it, you know the drill: Life is short, death obliterates us, it

Eric Hoffer: The True Believer - SUPPORTING BUTLER:  You can contribute to Head Butler’s bottom line by becoming a patron of this site. It's simple: each month, you automatically donate any amount you please — starting

Ernest Hemingway - I once asked John Cheever, arguably the greatest American short-story of the last century, what --- if anything --- he learned from Ernest Hemingway. “Not to put

Ernest Hemingway: The Nick Adams Stories - Once again, it's Fall. Hard to believe. Like everyone, I ask: what happened to Summer? But okay, Fall. For me, that means sweaters, long pants when walking in the morning,

Esther Perel - SUPPORTING BUTLER: You can become a patron of this site, and automatically donate any amount you please — starting with $1 — each month. The service that enables this is

Esther Perel: “Intimacy is about where you can take me, not what you can do to me.” - In a crevice between bricks, a small bird is making a nest. On the sidewalk, couples walk hand in hand. I installed window screens, opened my windows. Yes, it's definitely

Esther Perel: Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence - Esther Perel gave a TED Talk on Valentine's Day: "The secret to desire in a long-term relationship." Two weeks later, 830,000 people had viewed it. Now she's up to 21 million ---

Esther Perel: The State of Affairs: Rethinking Adultery - It sometimes happens that I praise a writer and then we meet and discover we like one another. That’s how a couples therapist and I became friends. And then, later,

Eudora Welty: One Writer’s Beginnings - Harper Lee, Harper Lee, Harper Lee --- you'd think there was no other female writer in the South to care about. But if you drive from Monroeville, Alabama for just

Euphoria - We think of Margaret Mead --- if we think of her at all --- as the Julia Child of anthropology. Square of jaw. Hair cut with bangs, like a 5-year-old.

Eva and Eve: A Search for My Mother’s Lost Childhood and What a War Left Behind - Julie Metz can do anything. She’s a sought-after designer; the cover she created for my first novel was light years better than the one the publisher forced on me. She

Every Last One - A very bad thing --- for a wife and mother, the worst possible thing --- happens right at the halfway mark "Every Last One," and if I tell you what

Everybody Was So Young: Gerald and Sara Murphy: A Lost Generation Love Story - Zelda Fitzgerald, after a painful life, suffered a terrible death --- she was a patient at the Highland Mental Hospital in Asheville, North Carolina, and the building caught fire, and because

Everyday Harumi - Harumi Kurihara is almost unknown in America, but in Japan, she’s a household name --- literally. Like: 52 shops in department stores. Like: 12 cafes and restaurants. Like: books and

Everyday Indian: 100 Fast, Fresh and Healthy Recipes - If we are thinking about healthy food with lots of flavor, we gravitate to the cuisines of China and Japan. They use meat, but chopped and sliced and diced so

Everyday Sketching and Drawing: Five Steps to a Unique and Personal Sketchbook Habit - Henri Matisse began his day by drawing circles with a pencil. He wasn’t aiming at perfection, or even accuracy. He was warming up, getting his hand loose. Sketching is like that.

Everything Here Is the Best Thing Ever - I was reading aloud from the first story.   “Your name was Patrick. You were still away, maybe out somewhere with your new friends or jerking off in some bathroom thinking about

Everything You Need to Know About Tana French - A writer has a book coming out in two months. When was the last time the Times did a feature about the writer that promotes her previous books –-- all