Health Archive

The Second Wave: A survival guide - NEWS: ICU bed capacity plunged to 0% in Southern California last month, as more and more people were admitted to hospital seeking treatment for Covid-19. Now, many medical facilities simply

The Weighted Blanket - Another winter of our discontent is coming on. By now we know the stages. Start with the Anxiety Plague. Add ice. Take nightly. Feel worse. There are some cures. Or

Tree Lotion CBD Cream - Of all the frauds being peddled today --- and the list would stretch from here to Kansas City --- CBD products are in the top ten. Good news. If you ache….

Turmeric - The New Era begins. And whatever happens, it’s a good idea to be healthy. Not because you’re going to lose your health care --- nobody can predict what happens with

Want to keep your bones strong? Consider Collagen Peptides & Vitamin D - Because I’m of “a certain age,” I know women of a certain age. Some are fit and active. Some have had some nasty breaks in the health department but are

Water Bottles - “What is Evian spelled backwards?” asked George Carlin. That used to be a joke. Now, with a drought in the West and our water infrastructure crumbling, it’s an accusation. How do you

Who wants it calmer? Who doesn’t! Here are 10 de-stressers. - Who wants it calmer? Me. Probably you, no matter how you feel about That Thing. No matter how much you enjoy the run-up to the holidays. No matter how confident

Winter Survival Kit - It was 70 degrees in New York last weekend. Don't be fooled. Winter will return. Also impeachment. Some terrible surprise or other. And bad news about your flu shot: it

Winter Survival Tools: Skin Cream, Back Scratcher and the “Body Back Buddy” - “Gotta get through January, gotta get through February.” That’s Van Morrison, who knows a thing or three about chilly weather, internally and emotionally. We’ve got a ton of that this